Get Your Garage Ready For Fall

11 Easy Ways to Get Your Garage Ready For Fall

When it comes to fall home maintenance, a little preparation goes a long way. Ensuring your garage is organized (and your stuff is easy to find) will make your life less stressful once the snow begins to fly.

Winterize Your Lawn Mower

For a lawn mower that roars to life in the spring, take some time this fall to winterize itRotate Storage

Take some time this fall to rotate your bins and other storage for easy access throughout the season. Move summer items to the back and pull forward any Halloween or winter holiday items. If you store winter sports gear in the garage, pull those bins to the front for easy access.
for storage. Give it a tune-up, add some fuel stabilizer and some oil for a problem-free first mowing in the spring.

Store Summer Toys

Putting away big items such as bicycles, balls and hoops is a good way to start your fall garage preparation.

Install Heat

To get the most out of your garage year round, install a heater to make it a comfortable environment to work in all winter.

Sharpen Snow Shovels

Sharpen your snow shovel now while the weather is mild. A sharper shovel will break through ice and slush easily in the winter months.

Garage Door Maintenance

It’s important to make sure your garage door is reliable all year. Spend some time this fall to maintain and repair your garage door to avoid any problems later.

Install Weather Stripping

If you have a door to your home in your garage, fall is the time to install or replace weather stripping to keep the heat in, and the elements out.

Protect the Floor

When it comes to garage flooring, there’s no shortage of options available to meet your lifestyle. A secure floor can help prevent damage, slips and fall—and it looks pretty good, too.

Winterize Faucets

Before the weather gets too cold, ensure that any outdoor spigots that enter your garage are appropriately drained and winterized to prevent a nasty and messy pipe rupture.


If you use your garage as a workshop or storage all year round, you may want to consider insulating your garage door for maximum heat retention.

Overhead Storage

To make ample room for winter storage, and to make the most of your space, an overhead storage system

By | 2017-10-14T04:27:53+00:00 October 14th, 2017|